Create mysql database – Cpanel

Hi Friends,
Here we discuss, how to create mysql database in cpanel. All are familure with database and user creation in localhost using XAMP or WAMP. In cpanel, database and user creation is different. It’s very important for developing the web site and other useful applications. Following seven step helps you to how to create the mysql database in cpanel.

There are two cpanel tools are available for creating MYSQL database.MySQL Databases menu and MySQL Database Wizard.

Creating database from MySQL Databases menu

1)You have to login to your cpanel to create mysql database with correct username and password. Login cPanel and click on MySQL Databases menu in Databases section.

2)Then you need to select mysql databases.


3) Type your database name and then click create database button. Here, my database name is ‘testdb’.


The database is successfully created and ready touse. Now you’ll get successful message as created database successfully as follows as:


4)After you have to create new user (MySQL Users > Add New User). Type your user name and password here. You can view the strength password is loaded. Then click create user button.


Now the user name ‘testusr’ is created.


5)Now you successfully create both MYSQL database and MYSQL user. Next you add Add user to Database. Then you need to add your user name ‘testusr’ to mysql database ‘testdb’. Select your user name(testusr) and database(testdb) as follows as. then click Add button.


6.Now you select all the privileges. Then click Make changes button.


7. Finally you will get a message like:


Finally you created a mysql database(testdb) , user(testusr) and add user to mysql database in cpanel. Then you back to home and click phpmyadmin.


Then you can create table in your mysql database ‘testdb’.

If anyone has doubts on this topic then please do let me know by leaving comments or send me an email.

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