Hi all,
Today we discuss how to uninstall wordpres plugins using wordpress dashboard or wordpress admin area. Thousands of free and paid wordpress plugins are available. If you want to uninstall wordpress plugins first install wordpres plugin in ‘wp-content/plugins’ directory.
You can easily install wordpress plugins into your sites. To uninstall a plugin from your WordPress blog, follow these steps:
Step 1: Find the installed Plugins in Plugin menu in wordpress dashboard.
The Plugins page opens.
Step 2: Locate the plugin you want to uninstall
Step 3:Click the Deactivate link below the plugin title.
The Plugins page refreshes, and the plugin now appears as deactivated (or inactive).
Step 4:Click the Delete link that now appears below the plugin title.
The Delete Plugin page opens, and a confirmation message displays asking you whether you’re sure you want to delete this plugin.
Step 5 : Click the Yes, Delete These Files button.
The Plugins page refreshes, and the plugin you just deleted is gone from the lists of plugins, with a message displayed at the top confirming the deletion of the plugin.
Difference Between Deactivating and Uninstalling a WordPress Plugin
All wordpress users, simply going to a plugins page and deactivating plugins that they don’t want to use.
If you deactivating the wordpress plugins, it is not permanently deleting. We can easily re-activated the deactivating plugins easily. Because the plugins files are available in plugin directory.
If you want uninstall a plugins first deactivating the plugins and delete the plugin from directory( Refere Step 4 and Step 5).
Removing Unused Shortcodes in WordPress
Almost every wordpress plugins uses the shortcode for performing plugins features into your post or pages.
Many WordPress plugins use shortcodes to add things into your posts or pages. Once you uninstall or deactivate a plugin, those shortcodes will become visible in your posts.
You can easily disable shortcodes by adding this code in your theme’s functions.php file or a site-specific WordPress plugin.
add_shortcode( 'pluginshortcode', '__return_false' );
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