CSF stands for Configserver Security and Firewall which is the most commonly used and popular firewall because it is very user friendly and it provides a cPanel interface to effectively make us of various features of it. CSF is most recommended in cPanel servers which are running without CSF.
NB: Installation of the CSF requires other firewalls completely if there are any.
- Download the package to the server which is available on the CSF website.
cd /usr/local/src wget <a href="http://www.configserver.com/free/csf.tgz" rel="nofollow">http://www.configserver.com/free/csf.tgz</a>
- Extract it.
tar -zxf csf.tgz cd csf
- Run the Install script.
sh install.sh
For cPanel Servers :sh install.cpanel.sh
For DirectAdmin Servers :sh install.directadmin.sh
- Remove APF or IP ables Firewall
The existing IP tables firewall can removed using uninstall scripts located at /etc/csf. For example APF firewall and BFD on the server are removed by the following lines.sh /etc/csf/remove_apf_bfd.sh
- Start the Firewall in Testing Mode
Start the firewall with the following command.csf -s // start the firewall csf -r // restart the firewall csf -f // flush the rules or stop the firewall.
- Specify which ports you want to allow.
To open custom ports other than the default ones, you may have to edit the file /etc/csf/csf.conf and edit the lines with port numbers.
- Disable the Testing Mode and Start the Firewall
Firewall is running in testing mode by default settings. You may need to disable the firewall running in testing mode.vi /etc/csf/csf.conf
Look for the first line and set testing mode to “0”TESTING = "0"
You may also set the following:CT_LIMIT = "100" LF_ALERT_TO =(email id of the customer) SYNFLOOD =1
Now restart the firewall!csf -r
In Cpanel:
The configuration files regarding CSF in cPanle servers are pasted below./etc/csf/csf.conf CSF Firewall configuration file /etc/csf/csf.allow => Config file to allow IPs /etc/csf/csf.deny => Config file to deny IPs /etc/csf/ => Alert files with TXT extension are stored within this directory
Uninstall CSF
To uninstall CSF, just run the uninstall script located at the installation directory.
sh /etc/csf/uninstall.sh
That’s it.. 😉