Install iftop command CentOS

The iftop command helps us to monitor the server by providing frequently-updated list of network connections to the server. The connections are normally ordered by bandwidth usage. It listens to the network traffic and displays the bandwidth usage by hosts.

The installation steps of iftop command are shown below.

IFTOP Pre-requisite

  1. libpcap : module provides a user-level network packet capture information and statistics.
  • libncurses : is a API programming library that enables programmers to provide text-based interfaces in a terminal.

Install libpcap and libncurses

Installation of the libpcap and libncurses library with YUM command for error-free iftop installation.

# yum -y install libpcap libpcap-devel ncurses ncurses-devel

Install IFTOP

Download iftop from it’s website with Wget command as shown below.

# wget

Follow the below all commands to install iftop.

# tar -zxvf iftop-0.17.tar.gz
# cd iftop-0.17
# ./configure
# make
# make install
Hope that the above post helped you a bit !!
Thank you!!

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