Live HTML compiler using PHP is very simple one like as w3schools editor. In here we are going to run the textarea code in the iframe.Main difference from w3schools try editor,the w3schools try editor used but, here PHP with iframe is used.Visitors are need to edit their code for their own need, and they want to check it lively HTML live compiler support this operation. We have two files for this opeation .
- demo_html_compiler.html(Put the php code)
- demo_html_compiler.php (The action will performs,get the code from demo_html_compiler.html and respond in iframe.)
Live html compiler, it’s simple and easy can understand. Two pages are used for this functions, main page (demo_html_compiler.html) and action page(demo_html_compiler1.php).
The above code, this is one of the main part in live html compiler. All html or php code and style(css) are specified here. The form action page is demo_html_compiler1.php. All input codes are written in textarea ‘id=’enter_your_code’. And fetch the code from main page to action page using ‘@$_REQUEST[“enter_your_code”]’. And print the output to particular div like: