WordPress display different types of content with different title. Each item of such content is generally called as post. Adding post into your blog, first login admin panel and go to Posts then click ‘add new’. Post are displays reverse order in your home page.
On this page you will see the wordpress post editior.The post editior contain some important parts. They are:
- Title or Heading Box:Enter the title of your post. Avoid using the same title more than ones as that will cause problems. The title will show above your content in your theme.
- Content Box:Add the actual content of your post. It has two tabs – Visual it use for the editor to format your text and Text it use for add your HTML code directly). You can add your writing, links, links to images, and any information you want to display on your site in content box.
- Preview Button:Help to view the post before officially publishing it.
- Publish Button:For publish your post into blog
- Update Button: You can update the published post
Once you enter the content of your first WordPress post, you need to Publish it.
Now go to the front page of your site to check out the newly created blog post.