Reasons to Choose the Bootstrap CSS Framework

Good Morning to all,
Bootstrap is a most popular HTML, JS framework , CSS and jQuery for creating website applications with future compatibility, simple standardization and customizable of HTML syntax. The Boostrap is a CSS framework. Its very easy in wed bevelopment. It contains JS, CSS, fonts and basic HTML files. Developers use different frameworks like Bootstrap, Less Framework, Foundation, Skeleton, and Create JS etc. as per the functional requirements.

Now, we see “How Boostrap has become popular?” Let us discuss some reasons “Why you should make a choice of the Bootstrap framework?”.

  1. Speed of Development
  2. Responsiveness
  3. Consistency
  4. Customizable
  5. Support
  6. Easy to use
  7. Base styling for most HTML elements
  8. Good documentation

Bootstrap is very popular free frond-end development framework.

1. Speed of Development

One of the biggest advantages of using bootstrap is speed development. Combine that with cross-browser compatibility and CSS-Less functionality, many hours of coding can be saved. If you’re looking to push out a new website or application quickly, you should definitely consider using Bootstrap.

2. Responsiveness

Bootstrap also helps responsiveness functionality. To develope the website, then we cansider responsive functionality becase the website is visible in all device like mobile, tap, desktop systems. Bootstrap is built on responsive 12-column grids, layouts and components.

3.Easy To use

The bootstrap is css framework. Its very easy to use and development. We can implement or include the bootstrap is very easyily. To start with your designing, you just need to download the Bootstrap framework in your directory, and then just pull what you need.

4. Customizable

Bootstrap can be tailor made according to the specifications of your project. Developers have the ability to pick and choose the features that are needed and the rest can be tossed. This is easily accomplished using the Bootstrap customize page. Simply tick off all the features you don’t need and your custom version of Bootstrap will be ready for download.

5. Support

Bootstrap has a huge support community behind it so you can usually get help when you run into issues. Furthermore, Bootstrap itself is being continuously updated and the creators have been really good about putting out timely updates. It’s currently being hosted, developed and maintained on GitHub with over 9,000 commits and over 500 contributors.

6. Base styling for most HTML elements

A website has many different elements such as headings, lists, tables, buttons, forms, etc. All these fundamental HTML elements have been styled and enhanced with extensible classes.

The HTML elements for which styles are provided are:

  • Typography
  • Tables
  • Code
  • Buttons
  • Forms
  • Images
  • Icons

7. Good documentation

Not only does Bootstrap offer styling for almost every element a typical website or web application requires, it also provides a great documentation with examples and demo that only make it more easier for even someone new.

If anyone has doubts on this topic then please do let me know by leaving comments or send me an email.

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